Design, testing and integration of Quality Assurance methods and tools that consistently enhance the quality of e-learning in the VET environment.

About our Project
The PERCEIVE project is focused on the design, testing and integration of Quality Assurance methods and tools that consistently enhance the quality of e-learning in the VET environment, in various combinations of technology-supported Trainings. The e-learning delivery during the first wave of the pandemic has shown that the extent to which technology is integrated in the operation of a VET Provider and the design and delivery of e-learning solutions is dependent on the size and previous experience of each Provider. This, however, results in the creation of inequalities between the large and local VET Providers.
Other dependencies that affect the design and delivery of VET e-learning courses include the Subject (Profession) of the Training, the preferred style of teaching and the VET teacher’s skills and competences. Therefore, different VET Providers end up offering different learning experiences for the same subject, and as a result, the image of VET is impacted. Learners are not confident that they acquire the same level of skills and competences, compared to when being in a Face-to-Face learning environment.
On the other hand, methods, tools and system models for the quality assurance in the design and delivery of e-learning have been developed for HEIs who have a long-standing experience in distance learning, while the VET System lacks such supporting mechanisms. EQAVET, a detailed framework for quality assurance in VET, is only covering the design and delivery of Face-to-Face trainings, and not the transformation needed for delivering the same VET learning experience to an online environment.
Perceive Objectives

1. Lifecycle
To propose a process-oriented lifecycle model for ensuring quality in e-learning development and delivery.
2. QA Certification
The development of a QA Certification that is going to ensure that specific quality criteria are being applied in the design or delivery of e-learning solutions.
3. Training Material
The delivery of Training Material for VET Professionals supporting the adaptation of the QA Framework in their operation.

Project Activities
During the PERCEIVE Project lifecycle, we are going to implement:
- 3 Intellectual Outputs, comprised by 15 Activities
- A Joint Staff Training to realistically test the QA Framework to be developed
- A Consultation with project stakeholders
- 3 Infodays, held in Greece, Italy and Bulgaria, to present the QA Framework and Certification
- 1 Large-scale Event in Brussels to bring the PERCEIVE Project results to the relevant EU Institutions
- 1 Final Conference, held in Germany

Intelectual Outputs
IO1: Defining the QA Framework for VET e-learning
While EQAVET is the main tool for the quality assurance in VET, serving as a reference point during the design and delivery of training curricula, it has not been elaborated to cover the Vocational e-learning training delivery (EQF 3-5). On the other hand, the need for a systematic review including a functional analysis for the introduction of QA in VET e-learning has become evident. The definition of such a Framework is going to increase the quality of the VET provision, supporting the efficient design and delivery of e-learning VET programs in the post-Covid period.
Within this context, in IO1 we are going to create the needed knowledge database, analyze existing QA e-learning solutions, and consult VET experts in an attempt to finally define the areas of the VET e-learning QA Framework.
IO2: Design of the VET e-learning QA Framework
While VET providers are increasing their online exposure to delivering e-learning courses, QA is not in the epicenter, in contrast to the in-class training delivery that is regulated according to EQAVET and National Quality Assurance Provisions. At the same time, the achievement of excellency in the e-learning environment, through QA is a process that requires skills and competences by the VET system, that is found only in Large VET Providers, creating a gap between the larger and regional/local VET Providers.
Therefore, in IO2, we are designing the content, the processes and the supporting documents, as well as an e-environment for a QA Framework. Easy-to-use e-tools will be included. Additionally we are designing the introduction of a QA Certification process for VET e-learning courses. Both the QA Framework and the Certification are going to be subject of consultation and approval by the relevant Stakeholders at an EU level. Finally, the Final QA Framework and Certification are going to be adapted in a country specific context.
IO3:Delivery of the VET e-learning QA Framework
For the diffusion of Quality Assurance, in regards to e-learning courses within the VET system, VET Professionals need to be trained, so as to be able to transfer the QA Framework. Even before the Covid-19 crisis, QA was not always part of the design and delivery of Vocational Training, since EQAVET is not an obligatory tool. As a result, the upskilling of the VET Professionals is required and therefore the development of an e-portfolio of training resources for VET Providers/ Staff who wish to comply with the PERCEIVE VET e-learning QA Framework is necessary.
Within this context, a number of pioneering VET Providers are going to be selected, in order to apply the QA Framework in their e-learning courses. Through this process, other VET Professionals are going to follow their example and benefit from the QA Label to be awarded. Finally, we have included a feedback loop where we are going to receive feedback on the material developed and the usability of the Framework, in order to fine-tune the Framework, the Training Material and the Certification Award Process.
Target Groups
- VET Providers who wish to design and deliver e-learning programs/ curricula, assuring the quality of the delivered Trainings
- VET Leaders who are going to receive QA certification for their e-learning programs / curricula
- VET teachers who are going to deliver better online teachings, with training solutions that are in compliance to the new VET e-learning QA Framework
- VET learners, who are going to participate in better Vocational e-learning programs, resulting to their upskilling and to better employment opportunities in the post-covid labor market
Expected Results
By the end of the PERCEIVE Project, the following results are envisaged to be achieved:
- A better e-learning experience is going to be created, through the increase of quality during the design and delivery of VET e-learning programs
- The image of VET is going to be boosted through a standardized process for delivering VET e-Learning courses, tackling the fragmentation of existing e-learning programs offered in VET
- The value of the delivered VET courses is going to be increased, through the establishment of a Quality Certification Process, leading to a Quality Label.
- VET Leaders and VET Professionals are to be upskilled, including VET Teachers/Trainers, through the use of innovative e-training material in the form of Modules, leading to a better understanding and use of QA in the design and delivery of VET Programs.
- VET Learners are going to be engaged in e-learning courses due to an increased attractiveness that is going to be achieved.
- The QA Framework for the design and delivery of VET e-learning courses is going to be widely used, due to the utilization of the networks of the two main VET Umbrella Organizations that are participating in the Project, namely EVBB and EVTA.
Therefore, the tangible results of PERCEIVE are:
- One QA Framework (available online as an interactive resource) covering the design and delivery of e-learning in VET
- One Certification of Quality for VET e-learning programs
- Five e-tools related to the adaptation of the QA Framework in the VET system are going to be developed and made available for download or accessed online.
- One Consultation with representative stakeholders, taking the form of an Expert Panel
- 8 Modules for VET Professionals, including VET Teachers, upskilling them in regards to QA in the design and delivery of VET e-learning courses
The project partnership consists of 7 partners from 5 countries
(Germany, Greece, Belgium, Italy, Bulgaria)

The Perceive project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. This website and all its contents represent the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for the use that may be made of the information it contains.
BK con GmbH
Marilida Tsiplakou
Bergstraße 42
D-03099, Kolkwitz
+49 (0) 176 45012146